Featured Artists

Smith, Stan

The most versatile artist of his generation

Rolt, David

Society portraitist who much preferred painting trees

Scott-Miller, Melissa

The portraitist whose subject is London


Latest News

Cache of paintings by local artist discovered

A cache of more than 40 watercolours featuring Chiswick, Richmond, Wimbledon and Kew by local artist Heather Jenkins who died last year has been discovered by her daughters. They don’t want to part with the paintings so we have created an online exhibition here

Harry Eagle's framing featured in Sunday Times

Harry’s framing expertise in the Sunday Times Style magazine

Featured Paintings

On reflection

Here's looking at you!

Martindale, Cumbria

From the mistress of impressionist landscape

Justo - male nude standing

From the mistress of the male figure


Featured Videos

Stan Smith's male gaze

Light before lust

Inge's Bacchus

That impeccable female gaze

Five female figures by Eric Gill

Reviled artist, beautiful work


Stylish framing for your home and gallery by Harry Eagle

Harry Eagle is one of the most creative contemporary style framers working in London today. You can contact Harry on 07967 800056 or harryeagle@gmail.com. Click on the MORE button for Harry's website and details of the many styles of frame he creates
